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What are Digestive Enzymes?

2 minute read

¿Qué son las Enzimas Digestivas?


Digestive enzymes are those molecules, usually of a protein nature, that are naturally generated in the body itself. Their function is to break down food into smaller and more digestible molecules for the body; in this way they help the absorption of nutrients. Without them the digestion process would be impossible.

There are several types of enzymes, depending on the type of food on which they act.

  1. Amylase (Helps digest carbohydrates)
  2. Protease (Helps digest proteins)
  3. Lactase (Helps digest lactose)
  4. Lipase (Helps digest fats)
  5. Cellulase (Helps digest cellulose – vegetable fiber)
  6. ....


Enzymes are important for proper digestion of food. They facilitate the decomposition of the latter, as well as the absorption of nutrients.

When the body does not produce a sufficient amount of enzymes, symptoms related to poor digestion will appear. These can be in the form of gases, a feeling of swelling, abdominal distension,... They can be the cause of allergic reactions and lack of energy. Some intolerances are due to a lack of enzymes.

It should be said that a good and varied diet based on plant foods directly influences an adequate production of enzymes by our body.

In some people, the body's natural ability to produce certain enzymes that play a crucial role in macronutrient digestion begins to decline very early (by age 25). This could lead to malabsorption, if the enzyme insufficiency is not addressed.

Also, sudden changes in food consumption patterns, exposure to environmental pollutants, extensive travel, unexpected changes in the weather, or simply not eating properly can affect our natural enzyme production.


Digezyme (r) is a multi-enzyme complex of vegetable origin (Amylase, Protease, Lactase, Lipase and Cellulase) that will favor digestion and therefore the assimilation and metabolism of nutrients, including proteins.

To lessen symptoms caused by digestive and metabolic disorders, in which people lack specific enzymes. For example, lactose intolerance, which is caused by lactase deficiency.

Especially suitable when the target population group is the elderly (who may have high rates of malnutrition due to lack of appetite, convalescence, weakness and reduced assimilation capacity due to age) or people who, due to different problems, have low nutrient assimilation.

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