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Las 3 mejores frutas y verduras de verano para una limpieza corporal y una buena salud digestiva.

The 3 best summer fruits and vegetables for a clean body and good digestive health.

En esta temporada de verano, aprovechar los beneficios de las frutas y verduras frescas es esencial para mantener una buena salud digestiva y promover la limpieza del organismo. 
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Proteínas vegetales vs proteínas animales.

Vegetable proteins vs animal proteins.

Proteins are necessary for critical processes such as immune function, cellular processes, cell structure, maintenance and growth of muscle mass, and many others. It is essential to consume enough protein on a daily basis.

Proteins can be obtained from many food sources, both plant and animal.

Diets rich in plant proteins are linked to many benefits. They have been associated in several studies, compared with diets rich in animal protein, to benefit blood sugar control, reductions in blood pressure, lower body weight, lower cholesterol levels, lower risk of cardiovascular accident, lower risk of developing type 2 diabetes, or even lower risk of cancer.

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